
Miles S. Adler ● (774)-893-3274


Proficient with Final Draft 9 & 10. Proficient in Microsoft Office. Very Experienced in DSLR camera operation and maintaining personal gear. Experienced in drone flight and operation for film. Highly proficient in HitFilm, Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects & Audition. Experienced in Affinity Photo. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.


Videographer, Video Editor & Photographer, Storm Tight Windows               October 2019 – October 2020

  • Leader of production and post production efforts for social media and television advertising

  • Filmed and edited customer testimonial video spots, events and window installations in action

  • Simultaneously managed company YouTube, Facebook and Instagram accounts

Videographer, Video Editor & Photographer, The MarketSpace                                  May 2019 – July 2019

  • Created marketing assets, storytelling pieces, short films and video prototypes

  • Responsible for overseeing all video content released by the company

  • Made video tutorials for operation of the Marketspace platform

Production Sound Mixer, Post-Production Sound Editor, Boom Operator June 2018 - November 2018

  • Produced a 45 minute documentary for the Wallingford Public School System

  • Recorded and edited sound captured in the field with various microphone types

  • Effectively edited sound in Adobe Audition

Audio Recording & Script Editing Experience, The Last Word                                                        Spring 2017

  • Senior Capstone project for Quinnipiac University

  • Proofread and adapted a short film script for production

  • Effectively recorded and edited Automatic Dialogue Replacement and Foley effects

Sound Design & Recording Experience, NESN Next Producer                                                    Spring 2017

  • Competed in NESN’s Next Producer contest and created the short film Grand Slam

  • Applied learned audio recording techniques and equipment knowledge to capture sound

Video Editor, Xes Entertainment                                                                                                    Summer 2016

  • Organized, logged, and transcribed footage for collaborative work with other editors

  • Created 3, 6, and 12 minute video trailers for use in internet marketing

Risk Management Advisor, Beta Theta Pi, Hamden, CT                                          November 2017 – Present

  • Responsible for educating the Risk Management Chairman and Eta Sigma Chapter on risk management policy

  • Contribute to the personal and professional growth of undergraduates and volunteers



•   Collaborative Leader - Quinnipiac Leadership Learning Community Program                            Spring 2014


Chapter Counselor, Beta Theta Pi - Eta Sigma Chapter                                 September 2020 – Present

•  Coach Eta Sigma advisory team ensuring advisor goal accomplishment

•  Maintain contact with chapter president and officers for continued improvement

•  Work with District Chief and Leadership Consultants to continuously develop Advisor Team

Risk Management Advisor, Beta Theta Pi - Eta Sigma Chapter                      October 2017 – Present

•   Responsible for ongoing policy education in the areas of risk management and legal liabilities

•  Actively ensure member understanding and use of risk management policies and management procedures

Orientation Leader, Quinnipiac University                                                                                  Summer 2014

•   Acted as guide, mentor and advocate for groups of 10-12 new students during orientation sessions

•   Encouraged and promoted opportunities for campus involvement throughout academic year                                                            

Founding Secretary, Beta Theta Pi Quinnipiac Colony                                                 Fall 2015 - Spring 2016

•   Coordinated the administrative functions of the colony including record keeping, reporting, and corresponding with chapter advisors, for a 48-member colony

•   Exercised sound time management skills and follow through to submit and track chapter reports

Eagle Scout, Troop 1 Cochituate, Wayland MA                                                                                Fall 2012

•   Achieved highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America

•   Organized and executed community service project to improve town conservation land


Quinnipiac University, School of Communications, Hamden, CT                    May 2018 Bachelor of Arts in Film, Television & Media Arts, Minor in Entrepreneurship.